Is It Permissible to Read the Same Surah in Namaz


Qir'at (reciting the Surah Al-Hamd and other Surah of Holy Qur'an)

987. In the the daily obligatory prayers, one should recite Surah al-Hamd in the first and 2nd Rak'ats, and thereafter one should, on the basis of precaution, recite one consummate Surah. The Surah az Zuha and Surah Inshirah are treated as one Surah in namaz, and so are the Surah al-Fil and Quraysh.

988. If the time left for namaz is little, or if a person has to helplessly abandon the Surah because of fear that a thief, a beast, or anything else, may do him impairment, or if he has an important work, he should not recite the other Surah. In fact, there are situations when he should avoid it, similar when the namaz time at his disposal is express, or when in fear.

989. If a person intentionally recites Surah before Hamd, his prayer is void, and if he does it past fault, and realizes this while reciting it, he should abandon the Surah and recite Hamd outset, so the Surah.

990. If a person forgets to recite Hamd and Surah, or either of them and realises after reaching the Ruku, his prayers are in order.

991. If a person realizes before bowing for Ruku, that he has non recited Hamd and Surah, he should recite them, and if he realizes that he has not recited the Surah, he should recite the Surah just. Simply, if he realizes that he has not recited Hamd only, he should recite Hamd first and then recite the Surah again.
Moreover, if he bends only earlier reaching the Ruku realises that he has non recited Hamd and Surah, or only Surah, or only Hamd, he should stand up up and act according to the foregoing rules.

992. If a person intentionally recites one of the 4 Surahs which incorporate verses of Wajib Sajdah, in namaz, he will perform an firsthand Sajdah upon reciting the verse. And if he does so, as a precaution, his namaz will be void, and he will accept to pray again. But if he does non go to Sajdah immediately, and continues to pray, it will be in order, though he will take committed a sin for not going to Sajdah immediately.

993. If a person begins reciting by mistake, a Surah which has verses of Wajib Sajdah and he realizes this earlier reaching the poetry of Sajdah, he should abandon that Surah and recite some other Surah. But if he realizes this after reciting the verse of Sajdah, he should act as guided in the above rule (i.east. 992).

994. If during namaz a man listens to the verses making Sajdah obligatory, his prayer are in guild, and on the footing of precaution, he should make a sign of Sajdah, and should also offer Sajdah after the prayers.

995. Information technology is non necessary to recite a Surah later Hamd in Mustahab prayers, fifty-fifty if that prayers may have become obligatory due to Nazr. But, as for some Mustahab prayers like wahshat prayers, in which a item Surah is recommended, if a person wishes to deed according to the rules, he should recite the prescribed Surah.

996. While offer Friday prayers, or Zuhr prayers on Fri, it is Mustahab that after reciting Surah al-Hamd, Surah al-Jumu'ah should be recited in the beginning Rak'at, and Surah al-Munafiqun in the second Rak'at, and in one case a person begins reciting one of these Surahs he is not immune as per obligatory precaution, to abandon it and recite some other Surah in its identify.

997. If subsequently Hamd, somebody begins reciting the Surah Qul Huwallah or Qul ya ayyuhal Kafirun, he cannot abandon information technology and recite some other Surah. However, if in Friday prayers and in Zuhr prayers on Fri, he recites 1 of these Surahs forgetfully, instead of Surah Jumu'ah and Surah Munafiqun, he can abandon it and recite Surah Jumu'ah and Surah Munafiqun, just the precaution is that he should non abandon that Surah afterward having read more than than half of information technology.

998. If a person recites intentionally Surah Qul Huwallah or Surah Qul ya ayyuhal Kafirun in Fri prayers or in Zuhr prayers on Fri, he cannot, every bit an obligatory precaution, abandon it to recite Surah Jumu'ah and Surah Munafiqun, fifty-fifty if he may not take reached half of information technology.

999. If in namaz, a person recites a Surah other than Surah Qul Huwallah and Surah Qul ya ayyuhal Kafirun he can carelessness that Surah before reaching half of it, and recite another Surah. Simply as a precaution, he should not abandon it after having reached half, and it is non permissible to resort to another Surah.

1000. If the person in namaz forgets a part of a Surah, or cannot complete it owing to helplessness, similar very piffling time of namaz is left, or for another reason, he can carelessness that Surah and recite some other Surah, even if he may have reached one-half of it. This applies to Surah Qul Huwallah or Surah Qul ya ayyuhal Kafirun too.

1001. It is Wajib for a human to recite Surah al-Hamd and the other Surah loudly, while offering Fajr, Maghrib and Isha prayers, and it is Wajib for a homo and a woman to recite Surah al-Hamd and the other Surah silently while offering Zuhr and Asr prayers.

1002. As a precaution, men must accept care to recite loudly every word of Surah al-Hamd and the other Surah, including their last letters, in the prayers of Fajr, Maghrib and Isha.

1003. A woman can recite Surah al-Hamd and other Surah in Fajr, Maghrib and Isha prayers loudly or silently. But, if a na-Mahram hears her voice, she should, on the basis of precaution, recite them silently, especially if assuasive him to listen is haraam.

1004. If a person intentionally prays loudly where he should pray silently, and vice versa, his prayer is void. Only, if, he does and then attributable to forgetfulness, or not knowing the rule, his prayer is in order. And if he realises that he is doing a mistake while reciting the Surah al-Hamd and the other Surah, it is non necessary to recite again what he has recited non following the dominion.

1005. If a person raises his vocalisation unusually high while reciting Surah al-Hamd and Surah, as if he were shouting, his prayer volition be void.

1006. A person should acquire Surahs to exist recited in namaz, and then that he may not recite them incorrectly, and if ane cannot by any means learn the whole of Surah al-Hamd, he should learn as much of it as he can and recite; but if that is a very small part, then as an obligatory precaution, he should add to information technology as many verses of Qur'an that he can recall. And if he cannot do that, he should add some Tasbeeh to it. Just if someone cannot recite Surah al-Hamd at all, and then there is no necessary replacement for it. The recommended precaution for him is to bring together Namaz-e-Jamaat.

1007. If a person does not know Surah al-Hamd well, but tin larn information technology, he should do so if the fourth dimension of namaz permits. And if the time does non allow, he should act as guided in the above rule, and his prayers volition be valid. Just wherever possible, such a person should join Namaz-e-Jamaat to relieve himself of the responsibility.

1008. To take wages for teaching obligatory acts of prayers is haraam, as a precaution, and taking wages for teaching Mustahab things is permissible.

1009. If a person does not know a certain word of Surah al-Hamd or Surah, or does not utter it intentionally, or utters ane letter of the alphabet for another like, Za for Zad, or changes the inflections, by giving movements of Fathah or Kasrah where non needed, or does not render tashdid properly, his prayer is void.

1010. If a person has learnt a word which he believes to exist correct, and recites it that way in prayers, but comes to know afterward that he has been reciting it incorrectly, it is not necessary for him to offer the prayers again.

1011. If a person does not know whether a particular give-and-take is to be read with Fathah or Kasrah, of if he does not know whether a particular word has a "seen" or a "swad" in it, he should take pains to acquire that. Just if he tries to recite in two or more ways, and if the incorrect or incorrect recitation is neither from the Qur'an nor any Zikr, his prayers will exist void. But if both the recitations are correct, like, reciting the 'South' of "Siratal" with "seen" and "swad", then the prayers will not be affected.

1012. The Ulama of Tajweed, that is, the art of reciting the Qur'an, have outlined several places where "Madd" (prolonging certain messages) is necessary. Wherever a vowel in a word precedes another vowel, say, 'alif' or 'hamza', it has to exist prolonged, and then that the utterances of each word is clear.
Only in namaz, its validity does not depend upon following these rules, so if one does not strictly follow them, his namaz volition non exist void. Except in "Wal-dhaalleen" (the last discussion of Surah al-Hamd) ane should practice certain care to prolong, so that tashdid is properly pronounced.

1013. The recommended precaution is that while offering prayers, one should not recite the ending word of any Ayat with Waqf if one wishes to join information technology to the adjacent Ayat. Nor should one render it without waqf and join. For example, if you recite "ar Rahmanir Rahimi" and then await before starting the next, it is not proper.
You should continue with no waiting. Similarly, in the same Ayat, that is, "ar Rahmanir Rahim", if you read the last letter "mim" with sakin, y'all should non adhere the "mim" to "Maliki Yawmi ddin".

1014. In the third and 4th Rak'ats of prayers, ane may either read only Surah al-Hamd orTasbihat Arba'ah - Subhanallahi wal hamdu lillahi wa la ilaha illal lahu wallahu Akbar which may be said once, although it is better that it should be said three times. It is likewise permissible to recite Surah al-Hamd in one Rak'at, and Tasbihat Arba'ah in the other, but it is better to recite Tasbihat in both.

1015. When time for namaz is short, 1 must recite Tasbihat Arba'ah once, and if even that much cannot be recited within fourth dimension, and so he must say only "Subhanallah" one time.

1016. It is obligatory for men and women that in the third and quaternary Rak'ats, they should recite Surah al-Hamd or Tasbihat Arba'ah silently.

1017. If a person recites Surah al-Hamd in the third and fourth Rak'ats, information technology is not obligatory for him to recite its "Bismilla" silently, except in the instance of ane who is following in congregational prayers, for whom, as an obligatory precaution, information technology is necessary that "Bismillah" is recited silently.

1018. A person who cannot learn Tasbihat Arba'ah, or cannot pronounce them correctly, should recite Surah al-Hamd in the 3rd and fourth Rak'ats.

1019. If a person recites Tasbihat Arba'ah in the first 2 Rak'ats, thinking that they are the final ii Rak'ats, and if he realises the error before Ruku, he should recite Surah al-Hamd and Surah. But if he realises this during or afterward the Ruku, his prayer is in social club.

1020. If a person recites Surah al-Hamd in the last two Rak'ats, thinking that they are the first two Rak'ats, or recites Surah al-Hamd in the start two Raka'ts, thinking that they are the terminal two Rak'ats, his prayer is in social club, whether he realises the mistake earlier or subsequently Ruku.

1021. If in the third or 4th Rak'at, a person wanted to recite Surah al-Hamd, but instead of that,Tasbihat Arba'ah came on his tongue, or if he wishes to recite Tasbihat Arba'ah only Surah al-Hamd comes on his tongue, he should abandon it and recite Tasbihat Arba'ah or Surah al-Hamd over again with the intentions. However, if the recitation which came on his natural language was the one to which he was habituated, then he should complete it and his prayers will be valid.

1022. If a person who has the habit of reciting Tasbihat Arba'ah in the third and fourth Rak'ats, ignores his habit and begins reciting Hamd, with the intention of performing his obligation, it will be sufficient, and information technology will not be non necessary for him to recite Surah al-Hamd or Tasbihat Arba'ah again.

1023. In the third and 4th Rak'ats, it is Mustahab to seek forgiveness from Allah after Tasbihat Arba'ah. That is, 1 should say, Astaghfirullaha Rabbi wa Atubu Illayhi, or one should say, Allahummaghfir li. And earlier bowing for Ruku, while he is uttering Istighfar or has finished it, if he doubts whether he has read al-Hamd or Tasbihat or not, he should read either of them.

1024. If the person doubts while in Ruku of 3rd or fourth Rak'at, whether or not he has recited Surah al-Hamd or Tasbihat Arba'ah, he should ignore his doubt. Similarly, he should ignore the dubiousness if information technology occurs while bowing for Ruku.

1025. If a person doubts whether he has pronounced a poetry or a word correctly, like, whether he has uttered Qul Huwallahu Ahad correctly or not, he may ignore his doubtfulness. However, if he repeats that poesy or discussion correctly equally a precautionary measure, there is no damage in it. And if he doubts often he may repeat every bit many times. All the same, if it becomes an obsession, and he still goes on reading it over again, as a recommended precaution, he should pray all once more.

1026. It is Mustahab that in the first Rak'at one should say A'uzubillahi Minash shaytanir Rajim earlier reciting Surah al-Hamd, and in the starting time and second Rak'ats of Zuhr and Asr prayers i should say Bismillah loudly. Information technology is Mustahab also to recite Surah al-Hamd and other Surah distinctly, with a interruption at the end of every verse i.e. not joining information technology with the next verse, and while reciting Surah al-Hamd and Surah, one should pay attending to the meanings of each poesy.
And information technology is Mustahab to say, Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'Alamin after the completion of Surah al-Hamd by the Imam in the congregation, and by himself, if he is praying alone. And subsequently reciting Surah Qul huwallahu Ahad he should say, "Kazalikallahu Rabbi" once, twice or three times or "Kazalikallahu Rabbuna" three times. Similarly, information technology is Mustahab to pause a little afterwards reciting the Surah, then say Takbir, before going to Ruku or reciting Qunut.

1027. Information technology is Mustahab that in all the prayers, one should recite Surah Inna Anzalnahu in the first Rak'at, and Surah Qul huwallahu Ahad in the second Rak'at.

1028. It is Makrooh not to recite Surah Qul huwallahu Ahad even in ane of the daily prayers.

1029. It is Makrooh to recite the whole ofSurah Qul huwallahu Ahad in one jiff.

1030. It is Makrooh to recite in the second Rak'at the same Surah, which one has recited in the starting time Rak'at. Yet, if 1 recites Surah Qul huwallahu Ahad in both the Rak'ats, it is not Makrooh.


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